I had this Knit Project before Christmas, never had the chance to post it til now. I'm very slow.
...with this project, I was inspired by forest and aspen trees. I was kind of researching into this shoe sculpture by Joana Vasconcelos which I saw in Selfridges, but I was feeling very uninspired.
Then...this sort of led to my idea of forest and aspen trees because of the lines and the stripes which related to the project. I don' know what it is I just love forests, I think its the feel, mood and atmosphere. It seems just likes a nice place to be in, the peace and the wilderness...in a way. I don't live in a place where there are tons of aspen trees because I'm always surrounded with busy cities. But I think it would be nice if there were, I know its mainly in the US, places like Colorado. I think its a place where I know I could get in lost in its beauty :).

I found this amazing picture of forest in snow (above), taken by Ansel Adams, which I found inspiring. It's a fantastic shot!
Here are some of my sketchbook work, I created a lot of paintings using line and texture from the image I was inspired by. So lots of black, white and dark grey colours. It was fun to just...paint, I missed art.
Bloody Autumn (wide view) by ~
Frider on
I really love this photography of "Bloody Autumn" by Deviantart artist, ~Frider. I love the daring red blood colours scattered on the road and also on the trees. It's an amazing photograph, looks just like a bloody autumn, and it kind of...inspired the painting the done below. I preferred creating a black and white interpretation, but obviously the photograph is miles better than what I've just painted lol.
For the next post should be my knitted samples from this forest inspiration. :)